Insight | 07.25.24
Insight | 11.21.23
As the season of gratitude unfolds, we find ourselves pausing to reflect on the incredible journey this year. Thanksgiving is not just about turkey and trimmings; it’s a time to express our deepest appreciation for the wonderful connections we’ve made and the incredible moments we’ve experienced together.
The Yalo Tribe shares their Attitude of Gratitude –
From CEO Arnold Huffman:
To our Yalo Tribe, I am grateful for our team’s commitment to improvement. We have learned and excelled at improving our ability to deliver, getting more efficient and more effective with every move we make. The transformation we have come through this year is nothing short of amazing. We are so fortunate to have a Tribe that will adapt to achieve excellence. We continue to get better with every step forward and it is all due to the commitment of our Tribe to move Up and Right. You don’t get honored by the Inc5000 as one of the top 5000 fastest growing companies in the US by getting lucky. We have the best damn team in the biz…bar none. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am thankful for 9.5 years of sobriety and for the love and support of my family and friends along the way. I am thankful for having the ability to appreciate the beauty of nature and the environment in which I live up in the mountains. I am thankful for Starlink which allows me to make that all possible! For my health and wellness, for modern medicine, and the ability to always learn something new.
I am thankful for a wonderful team I get to work with each day and an amazing boss who puts so much time into mentoring me to help me reach my professional goals. I am also very thankful for my partner who provides me with endless support and of course my fluffy kitty son who happens to be me entire world (right next to Taylor Swift who I am also tremendously grateful for). Lastly, I’m thankful for myself and pushing myself towards new opportunities to grow over the past few years.
Danielle Fitz-Randolph
I am thankful for my fiancé, my friends, and my family. I am thankful for all the amazing people that I work with. Lastly, I am thankful for music, travel, sports, and living close to the beach (my happy place).
Denise Brilliant
I am endlessly grateful for the joyous journey of working alongside cherished friends for the last 10 years. Together, we’ve turned ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, and my heart overflows with gratitude for the love and collaboration that has made it all possible.
I’m thankful that I get to work with a great group of very talented people. I’m thankful that my kids spend time with me, and I’m thankful that my wife still likes me. I’m thankful for football, dogs, hockey and baseball (in that order). And apple pie.
I am thankful for my wife and kids, I am as well thankful for this country and the generosity that it has shown to me and I am also thankful for the great feeling of belonging to this tribe.
I am grateful for my wonderful family, friends and my health this year along with my awesome Yalo work family! I have grown and learned so much this year, mainly from all the amazing people in my life.
I am forever thankful for the Best Mom Ever, my best friend, and my kids’ favorite person! She unexpectedly passed away earlier this year and I’ve been trying to turn my indescribable pain and grief into gratitude … being thankful for every single thing about her because every single thing was amazingly beautiful and wonderful! There are really no words to describe her greatness! I am so incredibly grateful for my family and friends for being there for me through it all and still talk about Mom and show up when I need them. And, I can’t thank Yalo enough for letting me take time away with no questions asked. And for the people I work with … that stepped up without a second thought and no complaints even though I know they were so busy; and offered prayers, support, perspective, inspiring words, hugs and love. I will never forget the kindness I’ve been shown and will do my best to pass it on.
I’m thankful that I finally watched The Sopranos. I now finally understand the endless amount of internet memes that make use of scenes, characters and phrasings from the show. I mean, I feel like I understood the memes, but now I get the context of what was happening. For that I am thankful.
I am thankful for all my family and friends that have been incredibly supportive of my wife and I this year as we embark on parenthood. I am also looking forward to being delusional and “out of it” as if I were drunk but without all of the drinking, because I will not be sleeping.
I’m thankful for my wife and the incredible job she has done this year in preparing our future little one to enter the world. It truly is remarkable. I guess I am thankful she is doing this and not I. I don’t think I’m strong enough to do what she is doing, but am thankful she is.
I am thankful for the loving and beautiful community of chosen family I have built. These people teach me every day the meaning of love, strength, patience, generosity, and hope.
I’m thankful to have found my Tribe. I worked as a consultant for 7 years prior to joining Yalo. I didn’t realize how much I missed being part of a team until I started here. Working with people I love, doing work that I love is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. I never take this for granted and am grateful to be part of this Tribe!
I’m so thankful to both Arnold and Josh for giving me the opportunity.
Natalie Dutton
I’m thankful for the ability to create and connect with local artists! This year, I started a watercolor painting class – being around so many talented creatives is both encouraging & inspiring. I learn something new from them every class I go to and creating art alongside them reminds me to pause & appreciate the world around me.
“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Sabrina Matthews
This year was a year of many changes for me. I finally found a workplace (Yalo) I feel I will stay with long term, and I was in search of this for a couple years now. Now I feel very content in my career and feel great about its trajectory. In my personal life, my children moved with their biological mom, after residing with Brandon and I for 4 years. This was a sad change in the beginning, but over the year, I found the positive side to this as well. This space allowed my kids and us to miss each other, and little did I know, kids are a lot nicer and more grateful when they don’t have access to you 24/7. Haha! It improved our relationships all around the table. It also allowed for my husband and I to spend time together a lot more now, we have had our kids since I met Brandon, so our early years was full of, child duties more so than dates and spending alone time. So I am very thankful we finally got the space to spend together and grow closer. I feel like everything aligned as it needed to, and hopefully soon we can add on to our family in the next year or so.
I’m grateful for supportive co-workers who make work enjoyable, a passionate volleyball team that makes coaching a joy, and the love of my family, boyfriend, and my dog Rick.
Scott Efferson
I’m thankful for my beautiful, amazingly strong, and slightly spoiled daughter, Ellie, and for all the people, from parents and therapists to colleagues and friends, who have helped and made it easier for me to take care of her this past year. I’m forever grateful.
From our table to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃