
Insight | 10.27.21

Taking the Boo out of Boolean

Social media monitoring is quickly becoming a monster requirement for modern brands who are looking to engage with their customers on social media platforms, keep one good eye on competitors, and find relevant influencers. But it can also be a scary task – with the entire Covid-19 world moving online. It can easily drive you batty with irrelevant mentions and tags, not only “goblin” up your time, but also impacting your analytics in a negative way.

One way to address this is by utilizing a monitoring tool with Boolean search. Boolean search combines terms with operators and is used in social listening tools and search engines.

If you have any experience with social media monitoring platforms, you know that getting precise results may be frightful at times: Apps can show a lot of noise for brands with common names or, terrifyingly, miss some valuable data due to the restrictive filters. That’s where Boolean search does its magic.

3 Impactful Ways To Use Your Boo:

Address customer concerns.

Boolean search lets you create queries that search for posts containing problematic terms and untagged public posts aimed at friends and family that are discoverable only with social media monitoring tools.

Generate new leads.

Boolean search comes in handy with lead generation. To set up a search, you’ll need to come up with a few phrases that people typically use to ask about services online, such as “I’m looking for,” “I need,” “recommend me,” and similar search queries. Alternatively, you could think of something all your customers share, i.e. the circumstances that bring people to considering your services.

Reclaim linkless pages for link-building purposes.

Boolean search lets you easily create queries that contain only mentions of a particular brand or industry. All you need to do is tell your social listening tool to look for mentions of your brand/product/campaign that have no links to your domain.

Don’t be afraid to upgrade your social media monitoring by exploring Boolean search options. If you need support or have more questions, Who you gonna call? Yalo!

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