Insight | 07.25.24
Insight | 05.11.21
Is Your Social Media Messaging Good Enough?
Does it make a difference what and how you post on social media? Don’t you just need to maintain a presence? Or if you do not have a presence, then how do you know the right message is getting out there to your target audience? In reality, it’s all about emotion, quantity and speed. Your company’s social messages Do make a difference, because business social media is exploding.
The Social Media Explosion
How fast are social networks growing?
Across age groups, where are the commercial uses for social networks:
Simultaneous to audience growth, information being added to the Internet will grow from 4.4 billion GB per day in 2016 to 463 billion GB per day in 2025 (IDC estimate). With exploding users and content projected to grow a 100-fold per day, how do you differentiate your messaging to gain, maintain and grow followers, engagement and sales? How do you make sure your content influences and accelerates through the Internet, so you get your “share of eyeballs?”
Social Media Diffusion
Information diffusion is how fast data is moving through a network. It has been studied extensively in social, physical and computational sciences. Research in word of mouth and viral marketing has been documented in business literature. With the emergence of social media, new communication techniques have been explored such as: SMS, weblogs, picture-sharing portals and online communities. The following research considers the variables that effect the diffusion on information on social networks.
Sentiment and Social Media Quantity and Speed
Steiglitz and Xuan conducted research on the effect of emotion on political tweets. This research analyzed 64,432 tweets posted one week before two German state parliament elections. They proved the following hypotheses:
Using supervised learning (regression) the study considered:
Dependent variables
Independent variables
The regression models’ coefficients indicated that for every unit increase in negative words there was a 6% increase in retweets(pg. 238). Likewise, for every unit increase in positive words there was a 4% increase in retweets. An important hypothesis they were not able to prove:
Sentiment and Social Media Predictability
Ashan and Kumari researched 20,000 tweets on the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The analysis considered the impact of sentiment along with the following environmental factors in predicting information diffusion:
Using two different regression approaches, analysis was completed determining the independent variables that provided the best model predictability. As seen below, in each model sentiment content was included and provided a significant increase in predictability.
Including the sentiment content significantly improves the predictability of social media performance and is enhanced with the ability to consider hashtags.
Sentiment and Positivity
Ferrara and Yang conducted a study of 19 million tweets with the following distribution:
Their findings indicated that positive tweets reach a larger audience and are shared more often. As tweet score becomes more positive, the number of retweets, favorites and seconds to first retweet increases at an accelerated rate.
Just how much of a difference does positivity make:
So What? – Words Make a Difference
These are the key findings on sentiment content:
At Yalo, we feel that your words really make a difference. There are many environmental factors that also need to be considered. With these environmental factors we have varied levels of control; however it comes to how we share content we have complete control. Control of what we share and also how we share it! Sentiment analysis from Yalo is the tool to tune content delivery for influencing followers and customers, as well as for analyzing social media traffic that reflects and responds to brand image.
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