Insight | 07.25.24
Insight | 04.01.20
Virtual Game Changers for First Time Parents
When I was slated on Yalo’s blog calendar to write a post about March Madness this year, I was pumped. As you can tell from my son’s newborn photo, basketball is my passion. And, what better way to ease into father-son bonding than back-to-back games swaddled up on the sofa.
Then came quarantine. Just like the rest of the world, my wife and I were immediately drafted into a different kind of madness. For parents reading this, I don’t have to tell you what those first few weeks are like. You either remember or have selectively blocked them out.
For our family, little Braylon included, we are learning this parenthood thing under a completely new set of rules. All those nighttime feedings, supply runs and family visits still have to happen. We just have to think outside the (diaper) box on how to get them done.
Here are some ways I’ve been checking off my Daddy-do list virtually.
Video Introductions: Ever tried to keep grandparents from meeting their grandkid? I wasn’t about to find out. But social distancing means keeping in touch with family using apps like Zoom conferencing, Facetime or—if you’re not an Apple fan—via a list of Android options we just learned about.
Virtual Albums: There is no shortage of pictures for your first baby. We’ve been using Lifecake to share ours with family and friends. Chatbooks integrates with Instagram to let you create printed photos and books from your filtered pics. And, during naptime, the simpleprints app helps you create baby albums on your smart phone.
Virtual Diaper Runs: Curbside has become a luxury we depend on right now. As a new dad, it’s the safest, easiest way to pick up what I need for the baby without getting out of the car. Our local Target and many other neighborhood grocery stores are doing curbside pick up or delivery. It might require calling first to see what stores are on board, but to me, it saves time in the long run.
Virtual Baby Shower: We were blessed to have our son’s get together in person. But I did find steps to plan a virtual baby shower with a quick Google search. There are lots of really creative ideas. And let’s be honest, you can hold off on some items (we are learning fast that babies don’t need all that stuff the first few months), aside from some love and diapers. (But seriously, so many diapers!)
Working for a digital agency, we are engineered to gain inspiration from life around us. I’ve worked remotely for a few years now. The biggest change hasn’t been quarantine. It’s been becoming a family. Watching my mini-me smile and recognize my voice is worth more points than any NCAA tournament or NBA game.
Parenthood, like life, is about perspective. I’m doing my best to curb the uncertainties by focusing on the goodness around me. If you’ve found new inspiration during quarantine with your family, we’d love to hear your story.