
Insight | 03.01.20

MFR Memorial

The Challenge

Case Western Reserve University, one of the nation’s leading research universities, has graduated numerous notable alumni. From leading Hollywood directors like the Russo Brothers, to founder of craigslist Peter Tippett, and finally Frank Rudy, inventor of the Nike Air Sole. As an institution proud of the success of its graduates, CWRU wanted to honor the powerful impact of Frank Rudy and his important contribution to the ubiquitous Nike Brand by enacting a memorial.  

Our Solution

Using photography and visual design, Yalo created an experience that showcases Mr. Rudy’s one-of-a-kind creation. The M. Frank Rudy memorial provides a dimensional and educational experience to all visitors of the Horsburgh Gymnasium on the CWRU campus.

Chart-busting Results

Located in the Veale Athletic Atrium outside the gym, the memorial is visible to thousands of fans and others attending games and outside activities hosted at the venue. The memorial inspires and educates all that cross its path about the powerful impacts of CWRU Spartans on society, around the world, and in every walk of life. 

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